Hp introduces new ultrabooks and sleekbooks (but let's justcall them notebooks, shall we?)



Business,Business News,Business Opportunities HP is taking this whole Ultrabook thing pretty darn seriously.After launching the Folio business Ultrabook last November and the Envy Spectre high-end model in January, it's back with another Folio and threeadditional Envy Ultrabooks. It's also introducing a conceptcalled Sleekbooks — which are, basically, Ultrabooks thatdare not speak their name. The EliteBook Folio 9470m — is anyone who buys this thinggoing to remember what it's called? — is a 3.6-poundUltrabook with a 14″ display, an Intel Core vPro processor, and various features designed to please ITpeople in large companies. (It won't ship until October andpricing hasn't been set yet.) The Envy Spectre XT is a3.07-pound model with a 13.3″ screen; like the earlierSpectre, it emphasizes style and has Beats audio, but it begins ata less daunting $999.99. 

And there will also be a $749.99 14″Envy Ultrabook and a $799.99 15.6″ one. And what's a Sleekbook? It's an HP Ultrabook-likethin-and-light laptop that can't be called an Ultrabook, insome cases because it uses an AMD processor. (Ultrabook is an Inteltrademark; all Ultrabooks are therefore Intel machines, bydefinition.) Those include a $699.99 14″ model and a $599.9915.6″ one. As CNET's Dan Ackerman points out , HP is also introducing a $699 notebook called the Pavilion M6that's neither an Ultrabook nor a Sleekbook, but is a closecousin; he calls it a "fauxtrabook." Except for the Folio, all these systems will roll out on variousdates this month and next. By releasing so many models, HP will end up with an Ultrabook, aSleekbook or a "fauxtrabook" for almost everybody:you'll be able to get ‘em in three different screensizes, with a hard disk or solid-state storage and in versions withdifferent features aimed at business types and enthusiasts —and at a bevy of price points. It's the most sweepingcommitment that any PC company has made to thin-and-light laptopsyet. But… It also shows that treating Ultrabooks as a category of computer,distinct from other notebooks, is pointless. On one hand, thedefinition of Ultrabook is so fungible that HP can release a bunchof machines that don't have all that much in common exceptthat they qualify for the label. On the other, it's specificenough that HP had to manufacture the Sleekbook concept toencompass models which no rational observer would argue arefundamentally different from Ultrabooks. And both Ultrabooks andSleekbooks look much like some computers that are neitherUltrabooks nor Sleekbooks. When Intel came up with the Ultrabook tag, it was presumably tryingto inject some pizzazz into PC marketing by suggesting that thesesystems are something radically new. It's pushing the conceptso hard that when I went to a movie last weekend, it was precededwith this ad: Ultrabooks are nothing fundamentally new. 

They're just thelatest gloss on thin-and-light portables, a category that dates atleast as far back as DEC's HiNote . Maintaining that they're something else just confusesmatters, especially when some Ultrabook-like computers don'tqualify as Ultrabooks for reasons that consumers shouldn't need to care about. It's a strikingly different approach than Apple has taken with the MacBook Air. It always emphasizes that the Air,despite being thinner and lighter and smaller-screened than mostlaptops, is, indeed, a full-fledged laptop — "theultimate everyday notebook," in fact. I don't mean to sound anti-Ultrabook; actually, I'mglad that Intel is goading PC manufacturers in this direction. Afew years from now, I suspect, almost all garden-variety notebookswill look like today's Ultrabooks. We'll be better forit. But I'll bet you anything that no real-world consumers willcall them Ultrabooks. They'll call them notebooks. So willthe industry. Why not start now?. We are high quality suppliers, our products such as Paper Red Cyan 3D Glasses Manufacturer , Xpand 3D Shutter Glasses for oversee buyer. To know more, please visits Universal Active Shutter 3D Glasses.


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